Alyki (Salt Pit) is a lagoon located at the northeast shore of the island, between the Kalliopi village and St. Alexander’s settlement. It is measured at 6.300 acres, being the only natural lagoon of Greece. It is also declared as a protected area of the “Natura 2000” network.
For the longest period of the year it is washed by the sea whilst, in the summer season, the water evaporates, creating a thick snow-white layer of excellent quality salt.
Its place is vital for hydrology and avifauna of the area. Especially during the winter, many migratory birds are gathered there while also one of the biggest swarms of pink flamingos is gathered at this area of Greece. This is the reason that a lot of bird watchers gather there, and human interference is kept minimal.
A narrow path with thin and low vegetation leads the visitors to the sea.
Habitats of the island used to gather there at nights during the summer months to collect the salt since Alyki was the main source of salt for the island. During World War II German troops created a minefield at this area.